Research, development and popularisation

The implementation of IWRM requires knowledge and good understanding of the situation of the Stung Sen basin. For this purpose, several research actions are undertook to develop the knowledge and acquire data on different topics. These actions are also a good opportunity to popularise the Stung Sen project and the IWRM. All these actions are in compliance with the priority actions of the Stung Sen management plan.

Tonle Sap sub-basin hydrography mapping

This work aims at mapping each sub-basin of Tonle Sap, divided into 11 sub-basins, with a specific focus on the hydrographic network. Knowledge about the hydrographic network and its characteristics is an essential knowledge necessary for planning actions and Tonle Sap IWRM process. Each map of the lake tributaries gives information on:

  • Division into sub-basins,
  • Administrative division,
  • Strahler stream order classification,
  • Length of the river network.

A methodology has been developed for treating the existing shapefiles (geographical data) in order to get closer to the reality.

Status: on going

Starting date: 2017

Partners: TSA, IOWater


Land cover analysis: protected areas of Tonle Sap Great Lake

TSA has been working on land cover analysis around the Tonle Sap Great Lake in 2018, focused on protected forested areas and core zones. This work consists in treating and analysing satellite images (Sentinel 2) from 2018 and classifying the land cover into 9 classes which differ the cover from natural vegetation, cultivated areas, urban areas and water.

Status: finished

Starting date: 2018

Partners: TSA

[Land cover map?]


Land cover analysis: Stung Sen river basin

The same work has been started on the Stung Sen river basin.

Status: on going

Starting date: 2019

Partners: TSA

[Land cover map?]


Drinking water access survey on Stung Sen basin

The project aims to carry out a survey on drinking water infrastructures and know more about drinking water consumption habits in all Stung Sen basin communes.

Status: starting soon

Partners: TSA, GESCOD, IOWater


Research in the frame of the working groups

Other projects are undertook in collaboration with the working groups. For example, support was brought to the FWUC (Farmer water user communities) to implement irrigation service center and irrigation schemes in Kampong Thom and Preah Vihear.

Status: on going (long-term)

Partners: TSA, FWUC, AFD, ISC